Disabling Out of the Box UI Actions in ServiceNow

Using sysverb overrides to hide out-of-the-box UI actions.

Disabling Out of the Box UI Actions in ServiceNow

Do you have a pesky Insert or Insert and Stay button on a form that you would like to get rid of? Or perhaps you want to hide the Delete button on an extended table that records shouldn't be deleted from.

Well, you can, and here's how!

  1. Start by going to the table you desire (form or list view).
  2. Right-click on the column headers (if in list view), and go to configure -> UI Actions.

Or from the form view, right-click on the form header and go to configure -> UI Actions.

3.  Create a new UI Action with the following details:

  • Name: Disable Insert and Stay (Name flexible)
  • Table: Table this UI Action should run on (should auto-populate to the table you came from)
  • Action name: sysverb_insert_and_stay
  • Client: Ticked
  • Condition: false

4.  Hit submit. And that's basically it!

This will hide/override the buttons (if they already exist for example on a parent table).

You can do this with any of the following sysverb Action names (keep in mind these names are important and if you don't spell them correctly then they won't work).

Note, this is not a complete list:

  • sysverb_insert
  • sysverb_insert_and_stay
  • sysverb_delete
  • sysverb_update

You can find others that are running in your system with the query: action_nameLIKEsysverb

Or with the following filter:

Many of them may come from custom apps in your system, so it's important to know what you have available within your own environment rather than relying on a pre-defined list.